Roulette Magic Review

Roulette Magic is a recent system revealed in 2012 which works using by betting on two numbers on each spin. First of all you should note that this system costs $199 to purchase so it is not cheap at all. It is also sold through clickbank which attracts many affiliate marketers looking to make some quick cash. With that said, the system is bummed up by these marketers who have probably never even played roulette in their lives. Many reviews out there are recommending this system but they are simply promoting it just to make some money. The Roulette Magic system really needed an honest review so I think it’s time it was put to the test.
So for those of you who don’t know, Roulette Magic can be purchased on the creator’s sales page or through many different affiliate links around the web. The system may look fantastic at a first glance but you will soon be able to tell it is worthless. For this system to work you will need to be psychic and be able to predict the future or just be the luckiest person alive. The odds of you winning a spin with this system are once every 18 spins theoretically.
The Roulette Magic system sales page is not really too professional to start with which doesn’t give off too good an impression. There are however some videos put together which are supposed to prove that the system really does work. Judging from the videos on the sales page you can identify right away that this in’t a martingale system using outside bets. This one seems to be unique as the guy is betting on only two numbers. At first it may seem incredible as he is winning every single spin making around $6000 each time. However with closer inspection and proper analysis there are flaws in these videos. The video does show that he is betting on a live roulette table making it seem more legitimate but the quality is incredibly poor and it is quite hard to watch the ball spinning on the wheel. Also you will see that he skips a few spins and he is clearly editing different winning spins into one video. This really indicates that he is losing quite a lot of spins and winning a few. If this guy was actually making thousands every five minutes then he would not be sharing it on the internet and selling it for $199 would he?
The system works by covering complete bets on two different numbers. So you are basically covering the two numbers with single bets, splits, quarters, street bets and column bets. Each time you win you are winning a few thousand (if you are using the same stakes used in the demonstration videos). Using common sense you will know that winning every single time on a roulette table is not going to happen. By covering only two numbers you are giving yourself around an 18/1 chance of winning. In realistic terms this means that theoretically you will win once every 18 spins. This guy claims that you win every single time making it seem even more like a scam. He actually loses in one of his videos when he chooses the numbers 3 and 26. The ball lands on 0 making his predictions wrong. He is obviously narrowing his selections down by using probability formulas and trying to accurately predict which section of the wheel the ball is going to land on because the two numbers you choose on each spin will be right next to each other
Although this system is a little unique with it not being based on placing outside bets it is still way too good to be true. The system is just simply crazy and anyone in their right mind would never purchase something like this. You can pretty much tell this is a scam before you buy it simply because of the lack of effort put into the sales page. It is a complete waste of money and it is sad to see that the creator is making a lot of money from marketers telling complete lies and selling it. For $199 it is certainly not worth buying and you would be just as well dropping your money down the drain. » Systems »