Casino Roulette Flaw

Casino Roulette Flaw’s creator has taken a very different route from his competitors on the market. In fact the system is revealed on the website free of charge with the creator claiming he relies on donations to keep the website running. This might seem too good to be true and that’s because it actually is. The creator claims that he used to be a programmer for online casinos and he was informed about a flaw in the roulette algorithm. He emphasizes that you can make a large profit from betting on dozens due to the fact that there is an error with the random number generator. You might be wondering why he would give this information out for free? Well the answer is that he is attracting a lot of players willing to try it because it sounds realistic and you are not paying anything for the system. Here is a fair review of the method and hopefully you will be more aware of these scams carried out by affiliate marketers.
So to start with here is the so called ‘flaw’ explained. Apparently the online casino’s used an algorithm which forces each dozen to appear at least once every 16 spins. So in other words, every 16 spins of the wheel there has to be at least one number from the 1-12 section, 13-24 section and the 25-36 section. The reason he gives for this flaw is that the casino’s were trying to make the number results seem much more random. However from my personal experience of playing roulette for the past 8 years I can assure you that this is complete nonsense. There is no such flaw in any online casino so do not fall for this trick. Nevertheless the creator is quite clever knowing that some people may be too smart to realize the flaw doesn’t exist. I mean do you really think the major online casinos would allow a flaw like this to exist? So to work round this the creator has indicated that there are only 4 online casinos that this method works in. He says he has tested them and that you must use the exact casinos he states. This is how he makes his money and basically scams everyone who signs up to the casinos.
By getting you to sign up to the stated casinos he says the method only works in he is making quick cash. The links that redirect you to the casino sign up page are actually affiliate links. This means that for every person who signs up using his links, he makes money. He will make even more money when people deposit cash and start gambling. He is simply making up nonsense just to get you to sign up to these casinos and deposit money. The more money people deposit means the more money he makes. This is what makes Casino Roulette Flaw a complete and utter scam.
As for the actual system he is describing on the website, it is just another Martingale variant. You are waiting for one of the sections not to come out for 5 consecutive spins and then you start betting on it. If you lose then you are repeating the bet with a larger stake. You keep raising your stake until you win and then start the process all over again. His so called ‘flaw’ is that you are guaranteed to win due to the fact that the section must come out within 16 consecutive spins. This is completely made up and the so called ‘flaw’ is a marketing trick used by many different scam artists to attract players. You are guaranteed to lose your whole bankroll using any Martingale method so it is not worth trying it.
So taking everything into consideration I highly recommend that you stay away from this so called strategy and avoid any similar scams. If there really was a flaw in any online casino I’m certain they would fix it immediately. On top of this I really don’t think someone would be spreading the information for free over the internet. Affiliate marketers are all over the internet looking to make some money so be careful. Any system which states you can only use in certain casinos is likely to be a scam. If you click on the links they provide you with all you need to do is look at the address bar on your browser and you will see that it is an affiliate link. Stay away from this system and keep your money in your pocket. » Systems »