Lucky Numbers Betting System

There are lot of complicated betting systems that you can use when gambling, especially when you are playing roulette. There are systems such as the Guetting betting system or Oscar’s Grind that require a bit of thinking before you sue them and also when you implement them at the roulette table. However, there are also a lot more simple betting systems you can use when playing roulette which involve minimal thought beforehand and even less during.
The Lucky Number betting system falls into the later category of simple betting systems, and it is one that millions of people around the world have used in some form, even if they do not completely understand that they are using a betting system.
The Lucky Number betting system is a negative betting system, like systems such as the Martingale betting system and variations thereof. This means that every time you have a losing bet in the Lucky Number betting system you move along the progression, which in this case means you make a bigger bet than before. If you have a winning bet (or a positive return), the progression ends.
To start using the Lucky Number betting system, you need to work out the value of a 1 unit bet. To work this out, take the amount you are looking to wager in your roulette session, and divide that amount by 100. If your bankroll is $500, then 1 unit will be worth $5. $100 would have a 1 unit value of $1. Doing this means you have enough ammunition, so to speak, to take on the casino should you go on a losing streak. If you did not divide your bankroll up enough, the moment you go on a losing streak, you will have no funds left in which to make a comeback. Sound bankroll management is crucial when playing any casino game, not just roulette, but given the variation of roulette, having a large number of units to play with is extremely beneficial.
Once you have worked out the value of a 1 unit bet, you need to pick your lucky number to use in the Lucky Number betting system. Most people have a lucky number – it could be your anniversary, your child’s date of birth, your football number in high school, whatever, as long as it is between 0 and 36. With your number chosen, that is all you have to do to start using the Lucky Number betting system. Nice and simple!
As the name of the betting system suggests, this all revolves around your lucky number. When you get to the table, you place a 1 unit bet on your lucky number. If it wins, you make a profit of 36 units and the progression ends. You can then finish your session, or make another 1 unit bet on your lucky number (or a new number, if you like). However, should your first bet lose, you add another unit on top of the original bet. So, in this example our next bet would be a 2 unit bet on the lucky number. If it wins, again that is the progression over, but if it loses you add another unit, meaning that the next bet will become a 3 unit bet. This progression continues until you win or until your bankroll is depleted. Using a bankroll of 100 units, you could go through 13 bets until you ran out of funds. So it might be wise to make your bankroll last even longer by dividing by 1,000 if you want to play for the long haul.
The idea behind this is that every number should come up once in every 37 spins (or 38 if you are playing American roulette, of course), but that is not always the case. Your lucky number might come up once in those 37 spins, it might come up 10 times or it might not come up at all. This is because each spin of the roulette wheel is an independent event, so just because 11 came out previously, there is still the same chance off 11 coming out as there is 23 or 5.
The Lucky Number betting system is not a guarantee of success, and it is more than likely to cost you a small fortune chasing a win, but if you do win, you are going to be paid off handsomely because a single number bet at roulette pays 36-1. Just remember not to chase your loses, and practice sensible bankroll management using the Lucky Number betting strategy. » Strategy »