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Super Martingale Betting System

When playing roulette, things can become boring incredibly quickly if all you are doing every spin is placing $1 a time on a number, or $1 on a set of lucky numbers you might have. Your bet never changes, you might win, you might lose, but the main point is that is that it is not the most fun experience you are going to have playing roulette in your lifetime. And, at the end of the day, unless you are a professional gambler, you are probably playing roulette (or just playing the casino for that matter) as a form of entertainment.

That is one of the reasons people use betting systems – to add a variable into the mix, something that changes their bets every spin, or at least requires some brainpower to give them some kind of entertainment instead of doing the same thing time and time again. Of course, the other reason they may use a betting system is because they believe it gives them an edge over the house – this is a false belief, because there is no betting system out there that you can use playing roulette that will give you an edge over the house. Trust me, if there was, nobody would be giving out that information on the internet, they would be using it to empty the banks of casinos around the world.

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So, the main use of betting systems when playing roulette is for entertainment, and the most famous of these is the Martingale betting system. Even if you do not know the name, you will know the concept of doubling your bet after every loss. This is a tried and tested betting system which will eventually lead you to the poor house, but some people find it fun. However, if you like the Martingale betting system, how about trying the Martingale betting system on steroids – the Super Martingale betting system?

Like its ‘weaker’ counterpart, the Super Martingale betting system is a negative progression betting system. That means that you move through the system every time you have a negative result; in other words, every time you lose. It works on the idea that you have to win a 50-50 shot eventually, which is known as Gambler’s Fallacy – the idea that a color/number is more likely to come up because of previous results. Of course, this is not true, because each spin of the wheel is independent, so the chances of it being red is still 50-50 (well, marginally less), even if the previous 25 spins have been red; the wheel has no memory.

The Super Martingale starts of similarly to the Martingale betting system – every time you lose, you double your bet. Except in the case of the Super Martingale betting system, you double it and add 1 unit. So, you start off betting 1 unit, then double it and add 1 if you lose. So your next bet would be 3 units. Following the same rule, if your 3 unit bet lost, you would then bet 7 units, then 15, then 31 and so on. The traditional Martingale betting system goes 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64… The Super Martingale betting system goes 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63… So you can see that after 5 loses, the amount you are wagering on the Super Martingale betting system is twice what you would be wagering using the traditional Martingale betting system. It really is a fast way of either winning or going bust.

If you want to use the Super Martingale betting system, you are best to use it on a 50-50 chance, such as red/black or odd/even. These bets give you the best chance of winning and also make it easy to use the Super Martingale betting system. Once you have picked a wager, you have to establish how much 1 unit is worth to you. Usually this is done by dividing your bankroll by 100, but in the case of the Super Martingale, it is better to divide your bankroll by 1,000, because the bet sizes will soon start to spiral. So, if you have a $1,000 bankroll, each unit is worth $1.

It is worth remembering that the Super Martingale is not a guarantee of winning. In fact, it is a worse version of the Martingale betting system, purely because you will lose your bankroll twice as quickly, if not sooner. Why? Well, first of all, as mentioned previously, there is no guarantee you are going to win. Secondly, once you start ramping your bets up, the casino’s table limits will come into play, rendering the Super Martingale betting system useless. Thirdly, it may come to a point where you are wagering $127 to make a profit of $7 – does that sound like a way to riches?

So, I would recommend extreme caution when using the Super Martingale betting system. While it is an exhilarating way to play roulette, you can (and probably will) lose money at the speed of light, and there are far better and more fun betting systems to use when playing roulette, although none of them will guarantee you success.

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